It turned out to be such a nice day for this party. In the morning there was a terribly thick fog, but it finally burned off and warmed up. Lots of family and friends came. Besides food and visiting we had hay rides and pony rides for the smaller kids as well as a small bon fire for smores later in the day. Joey's friend Troy helped to finish it off right by spending the night and playing video games with the guys! Altogether we had so much fun. It was well deserved for all the hard work it took to finish up high school. Above is Joey with his special cake my sister Jamie made for him and his cousin Lauren.
Above here is Joey's Grandma Doris, his uncle Wally and his uncle August. Below he's with his Grandma and Grandpa, Carolyn and Jim.

I'm so glad you posted about this..It's nice to see some pictures..esp since we should have been there! I can only afford to walk though..and so far they haven't built a bridge across the pacific lol! It looks like it turned out so nice..and that cake looks YUM!
Congratulations Joe!!
It would have been awesome to have you and your family here Jamee! Oh well, at least we can be together online or with email. I love the internet!
That cake was the best chocolate cake I've ever had and I'm not a big cake lover. My sister Jamie swears by the powdered sugar and baking mixes of Aldi's. I've used their brownie mix which is very good, but never their cake mixes.
The really cool thing about that cake too was that she got a picture of Joey from when he was about 5 yrs old and had it reproduced into icing. It was so cute! I'll have to send you a closer up picture of it so you can see exactly how it looked.
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